

The Garibaldi Matinee needs your help

A Message From Liane Carroll

The Garibaldi Matinee needs your help! We seems to have fallen on some rocky economic ground, with the Saturday & Sunday afternoon gigs struggling to balance the books. A combination of rising running costs and an ongoing cost-of-living crisis is making it increasingly challenging for us, and we are forced to seek additional funding in order to keep the matinee afloat.

As a result, we have set up a GoFundMe campaign to address the deficit. If you value what we're doing at The Garibaldi weekend matinees, and would like to support our campaign, please visit the funding link below. 

If you are unable to contribute financially, you can still help the campaign by sharing the link across social media. 

We are massively grateful for the support we've already received from regulars, fans and musicians alike. A special thanks to both Liane Carroll (above) and Nigel Price (see below) for their special video endorsement of the matinee.

A Message From Nigel Price

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